GAZPROM advanced technical solutions catalogue 2013
« Back 07.08.2013 12:21 "PSO "NefteGazDiagnostika" LLC Composite reinforcing sleeve Smart Lock (UKMT)This sleeve is used for elimination of inner and outer defects of mechanical and corrosion nature, of under-ground and offshore gas pipelines including the cases when loss of metal mass is up to 100% of the rated wall thickness. This repair procedure requires no hot works. Smart Lock is like a clamp, comprising of two half-sleeves, articulated at a side and bolted on the other side. The sleeve operating principle is as follows; by increasing bolt torque considerable contact pressure is applied on the outside surface of the pipe, which compensates operating pressure inside the pipeline. In contrast to the other technologies featuring installation of the sleeves without pre-stressing, this sleeve provides for quality repair without suspension of product transportation and decompression of the pipe. Diameter of the sleeve changes along with pressure variations inside the pipe, i.e. the sleeve 'breaths' along with the pipe. After completion of repair works, all process holes and gaps are filled with special material included into delivery set. As result, fibreglass construction of the sleeve becomes solid. This technology is applicable in wide range of standard pipe sizes (from 89 mm to 1,420 mm). This technology warranties complete overlap of the repaired area, simplicity of installation, minimal scope of earthwork operations and quick repair. The last feature directly reduces repair costs. The bolts manufactured in batches are used for tightening the sleeve. To prevent the sleeve from becoming loose under long-term vibration loads, the bolts are tightened using the wedge lock washer. This way Smart Lockprovides for feasible, simple, quick and reliable method of repair of the field and main pipelines. For instance, to install the sleeve on a narrow pipe, it is enough to dig small pit manually. Duration of repair of one defective section is about 15-20 minutes. Definitely, this is a real advantage in presence of groundwater, when duration of repair and pit size are the major factors to be considered. All components of CRS can be easily lifted by two installers even in case of the pipes 1,420 mm in diameter.
Consequently, Smart Lock provides for overhaul of the pipeline: