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Development and production of
composite reinforcing sleeves for major pipeline repair
Home / Repair sleeves / Repair sleeves new / Composite repair sleeve CONE


In course of development of pipeline repair technologies, PSO NEFTEGAZDIAGNOSTIKA LLC, developed, registered invention (patent), tested and initiated manufacture of the universal conical sleeves CONE.
The sleeves are manufactured as per the existing specifications and provided with all required certificates and permits.


  • repair of corrosion, stress corrosion, mechanical, metallurgical and other defects on the main, field, distribution and other pipelines, including underwater ones, from 89 to 1420 mm in diameter irrespective of the region and method of laying;
  • reinforcement of metal in areas of pipelines with defects, previously temporary eliminated by patching, chopping and other methods that require subsequent major repairs. In such cases, the CONE sleeve can be used as an alternative to spool cut;
  • reinforcement of metal in the zone of annular welded joints, including at the pipeline construction stage.



  • This sleeve consists of the factory-made components, thus critical works for on-site installation are minimized, and repair quality is less affected by human-factor
  • Simplicity of Installation
  • Minimal dependence of repair quality upon weather and climatic conditions on-site
  • Welded butt joints do not hinder installation of CONE 
  • Repair using CONE is classified as overhaul
  • Cost of repair using CONE, taking into account necessary organizational and technical measures, is lower than the price of the similar repair utilizing any other method



CONE refers to composite sleeves. It consists of two half-sleeves, made of composite material and metal shell, welded from two parts, which is installed in the girth of the defective section of the pipeline on top of the composite sleeves pasted to it.

Fig. 1-4 1 – pipe
2 – composite sleeve
3 – steel shell
4 – weld seam
5 – external defect






Operating pressure, Рop ≤ 10 MPa
Testing pressure, Рtest 1,25 Рop
Pipeline outside diameter, Dн 50 ÷ 1420 mm
Operating temperature  - 60 °С to + 200 °С

Oil, gas, oil products, ammonia, salt and fresh water, other gaseous and liquid media


Assembly unit Material


Shell Steel Tensile yield limit (σ0,2) 355 MPa
Composite sleeve Fiberglass Compression resistance ≥ 120 MPa
Density 1600 ÷ 1800 кг/м3
Water absorption ability 0,2%
Adhesive compound Two-component epoxy adhesive Tensile yield limit in the cured state ≥ 100 MPa
Adhesive strength to the steel surface ≥ 20 MPa
Gel time at 20 °С 45 ± 15 min





КОНУС_чертеж для специф


Name Steel shell Composite sleeve
Wall thickness Sоб

Minimum internal diameter
dу (mm)*

Maximum internal diameter 
Dу (mm)*
L (mm)
Taper α
(angle degree)
Minimum wall thickness
Smin (mm)*
Maximum wall thickness
Smax (mm)*
CONE 50 3 70 100 300 3 10 25
CONE 89 3 109 139 300 3 10 25
CONE 114 3 134 184 300 3 10 25
CONE 159 3 179 209 300 3 10 25
CONE 168 3 188 218 300 3 10 25
CONE 219 4 239 269 300 3 10 25
CONE 273 4 293 323 500-2000 2-0,5 10 25
CONE 325 6 345 375 500-2000 2-0,5 10 25
CONE 355 6 385 435 500-2000 2-0,5 15 40
CONE 377 6 407 457 500-2000 2-0,5 15 40
CONE 426 6 456 506 500-2000 2-0,5 15 40
CONE 530 8 560 610 500-3000 3-0,5 15 40
CONE 620 8 650 700 500-3000 3-0,5 15 40
CONE 720 10 750 800 500-3000 3-0,5 15 40
CONE 820 10 860 920 500-3000 3-0,5 20 50
CONE 1020 14 1060 1120 500-3000 3-0,5 20 50
CONE 1220 14 1260 1320 500-3000 3-0,5 20 50
CONE 1420  14 1460 1520 500-3000 3-0,5 20 50

*dimensions can be changed on request.



Outline the pipeline defect.

1 Шаг


Marking of the defective section of the pipeline for the installation of the CONE sleeve.

2 Шаг


Preparation of two halves of the steel shell for welding and degreasing of their internal surfaces.

3 Шаг


Welding of the steel shell and the subsequent NDT of weld seams.

4 Шаг


Cleaning and degreasing of repair area.

5 шаг


Filling the cavity of the defect with a repair composition flush with the surface of the pipeline.

6 Шаг


Fit half the composite sleeve, degrease, epoxy glue coating of their internal surfaces and adjacent edges.

7 Шаг


Mounting of the composite sleeve on the defective pipeline section.

8 Шаг


Application of epoxy adhesive on the outer surface of the composite sleeve.

9 Шаг


Pushing the steel shell onto the composite sleeve.

10 Шаг


Stretching the steel shell onto the composite sleeve by means of a tightening device to the position specified by the sleeve design.

11 Шаг


Restoration of the coating of the repaired pipeline section.

12 Шаг





















































The characteristics of the repair structure, the quality of the repair and the conditions for its conduct. EFRS CONE
Excessive operating pressure in the main pipeline to be repaired, MPa 7,00 10,00
Maximum test pressure, MPa 8,05 12,50
Adjusting the annular gap between the wall of the pipeline and the metal shell of the composite sleeve Required Not required
Sealing the edges of the annular gap between the pipe wall and the metal shell of the composite sleeve Required Not required
Polymer layer transferring the load from the wall of the defective pipeline section to the metal shell of the composite sleeve is formed ... In the field In the factory
The need to use special equipment for the formation in the field of a polymer layer that transfers the load from the wall of the defective pipeline section to the metal shell of the composite sleeve Yes No
The duration of the set by polymers used in the repair structure in the field, the strength, sufficient to start the pipeline after repair, Hours 8 ÷ 9 ≤2
Temperature of air and pipeline during the installation of the repair structure and a set by polymers of strength sufficient to start the pipeline after repair, оС +23 ±2

-10 to +60

Quality control of the polymer layer that transfers the load from the pipeline wall to the metal shell Indirect, without NDT Direct, Including NDT


* - Epoxy-Filled Repair Sleeves




CONE sleeves passed factory tests in PSO NEFTEGAZDIAGNOSTIKA, certification tests in VNIPIVZRYVGEOFIZIKA and pilot testing in LUKOIL-PERM.